5 years birthday, courtesy of NEX 7

5ansMarla-46Sept 28th, Marla turns 5

Kids’ birthday parties are all the rage in our neighborhood. A bunch of indoor play halls with loads of inflatable structures and other kiddy games have opened these past few years around here, and they are very popular for birthdays. For a non negligible but well justified fee, you can organize your kid’s party and keep the mess of a dozen hyper 5 yrs old securely away from your own home. That’s sweet.

5ansMarla-10Truth is, they have WAY more fun that they would in anybody’s home, too !

5ansMarla-45Marla invited 6 of her best preschool buddies, plus her former nanny’s two kids, and all of them had a total blast.

5ansMarla-03That was one mighty HAPPY moment

I had taken the NEX 7 along, with the SEL35, and nothing else. With fast jumping kids and crude artificial light, one needs all the help they can get. The camera’s output at ISO 800 and 1600 was not to be faulted, and despite struggling with the fastest and most brutal spins and take offs, the AF globally did capture most of the moments.


5ansMarla-05They spent over half the party in this inflatable tiger’s mouth, which was articulated and cycled between open and shut, trapping the giggling and delighted kids inside.


5ansMarla-47The candle blowing was glorious




5ansMarla-59The present giving starts !






5ansMarla-52Oh, and that cake was pretty yummy

5ansMarla-68She managed to bang her head into the only non rubber or foam part of the entire place : a metal stair handrail. Ice was in order to contain the swelling

5ansMarla-67That’s how typically good NEX 7 images are. Backlighting, nightmare orange shirt, cluttered background, everything is handled with grace

5ansMarla-69I was extremely pleased of how the images turned out

5ansMarla-70Back home to play with her new presents, and the dog chiming in

5ansMarla-71I’ve been shooting this baby for the past 5 years. I had interest in photography before, she turned it into a raging passion. I well intend to keeping on documenting her growth exactly the way I’ve done so far. It’s a photogaphic project, as well as a life one. And it makes for a lot of cool memories.

About marla2008

Shutterbug. Shallow DOF nut. Mother of Child. Student of the Horse.
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12 Responses to 5 years birthday, courtesy of NEX 7

  1. Lisandra says:

    Banged her head in a huge mainly all foam place? Yup that sounds just like me!

  2. Bek says:

    Beautiful as always Claire!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MARLA – love from us all in Sydney Australia xxooo

  3. Great images!!! And such a great life project it is! Happy Birthday to your daughter, she is beautiful!

  4. laurent says:

    Happy Birthday Marla!!!!! Great colors!!!

  5. -et- says:

    I am amused to see from her damp hair that she was being very energetic at the “Bounce House”. As you may or may not recall, earlier this year when you asked about experience with the Minolta 50mm macro lens, I took a few example shots for you that happened to be of my son’s older boy at a local “Bounce House”, complete with similarly wet hair. Some things seem to be universal . . .

    Those images were in message #22 of the thread at:

    – Tom –

  6. -et- says:

    Oops, I messed up the link, and I don’t see a way to edit the post.

    The correct location is at:


    – Tom-

  7. Patrick says:

    Love your blog…shots, colour etc. Just curious, what flash do you use in most of your pictures (indoor)? I’m thinking of getting one for my 6.

    • marla2008 says:

      The NEX built-in flash !! It’s brilliant in the 6 and 7, and needs to be dialed up a bit, as less powerful, on the 3N, but overall amazingly useful, bounced. If I really need portrait orientation bounce flash, I use an old Nikon SB-600 that tilts and swivels. I use only manual settings for flash, so the lack of TTL compatibility is not an issue. Thanks for the kind words about the blog 🙂

      • Patrick says:

        I guess I really need to master the built-in flash! Mine always doesnt look great. Unlike yours that it looks natural. So you dial up tilt the built in flash. Will try that. Thanks for the tip 🙂

  8. marla2008 says:

    You just bounce the flash to the ceiling holding it with your finger, it is awkward at first but one does get used to it. for settings try M mode, ISO 400, aperture wide open and shutter 1/100th. Fine tune according to results. WB 4300K. Try it ! 🙂

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